Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Facebook Quiz

What kind of athlete are you?

1. It’s the first warm, sunny day all year, you

a. Go for a run outdoors

b. Go for a leisurely bike ride

c. Get some friends and play football at the park

d. Think to yourself, man I gotta close the blinds, the glare on the TV is making my eyes hurt.

2. In high school you -

a. Lettered in three sports

b. Loved sports, but never made the team

c. Went to every game and cheered on the jocks

d. Fine tuned your video gaming skills

3. In gym class -

a. You were always the first one picked for the team.

b. Went somewhere in the middle.

c. Don’t remember, you were just glad to be out of “real” class!

d. Gym class? I always got out of it with a doctor’s note.

4. In ten years you will -

a. still be involved in competitive sports or just retiring from my pro career.

b. keep in shape by finding some soccer, basketball, and softball rec leagues.

c. be cheering for my kids at all their sporting events.

d. be sitting in front of my 60-inch plasma catching up on all my DVR’d shows.

5. To you, “the big game” means -

a. you’re getting ready to face off in the championship.

b. you’re buying stuff for a big SuperBowl party at your house.

c. you’re deciding where to watch the NHL championship.

d. the newest version of your favorite video game is coming out - gotta line up at midnight!

6. When you buy athletic shoes, you

a. buy the shoe that will make you jump the highest and run the fastest.

b. find a shoe with good arch support, gotta be comfortable.

c. buy what’s on sale.

d. athletic shoes? You mean Skechers?

7. When it comes to the Olympics,

a. You are still in training.

b. You can’t wait to watch - that coulda been you if you had wanted it badly enough.

c. You can’t wait to cheer on the U.S.A.

d. You hate when all your favorite shows are pre-empted by track and field.

8. You most likely would need a knee brace because

a. you hyperextended your knee diving for the ball.

b. you fell when you took the kids on a nature hike.

c. too much mall walking.

d. you twisted it playing Dance Dance Revolution.

If you answered mostly a’s -- You’re a varsity athlete. Playing sports is your top priority.

If you answered mostly b’s -- You’re an intramural athlete. You’re competitive, but you’ve got other priorities.

If you answered mostly c’s -- You’re a club athlete. You play to stay in shape and to have fun.

If you answered mostly d’s -- You’re no athlete - you’re a couch potato!

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