Monday, April 27, 2009

Reflection on My Visual Composition

In my visual composition, I advocated taking small steps to go green - meaning doing things that are better for the environment. I chose to do a PowerPoint slide show, and I feel it turned out really well. During the time that I was gathering photos I could use for the project, I realize that I already has some pictures I could use; and it was pretty easy to get the rest of the shots I needed. Also, because of my message, I was able to use a lot of outdoor shots which alsays seem to turn out the best.

In advocating going green, I decided to open and close my slide show with beautiful landscape scenes. I felt this would encourage people to consider the information, in that there is no guarantee that such beaurty will be preserved, unless many of us begin to change some of our environmentally dangerous habits. After opening with a beautiful photograph, I contrasted bad or wasteful environmental behavior with behavior that would help to improve the environment. Then, I used pictures and a little bit of text to advocate the message or feuse, recycle, and reduce.

First, I looked at the overuse of plastic grocery bags, and I encouraged the use of reusable shopping bags. I was really happy with the way the pictures turned out for these two slides. The lighting was good, and I was able to get several good shots. In addition, I formatted the PowerPoint background in order to promote a "green" feel. I feel like everything went together very well. The PowerPoint layouts and soft text complemented the photographs and the overall message of my composition.

Secondly, I used a photo of a pop bottle and can on the side of the road to point out the benefits of recycling. I used the picture of the littered can and bottle as the entire backgroud of the slide, and inserted a picture of some shoppers utilizing the recycling center of a grocery store. Once again, I felt the pictures turned out great. The photo of the littered can and bottle was probably one of my favorites, because it contrasted the beauty of the outdoors and the ugliness of the trash that was cluttering up the area.

Finally, I encouraged my audience to reduce their use of energy by forgoing their vehicle in favor of bike riding for short trips. Once again, I used a picture of a bike outdoors as the background of my slide, and inserted a small picture of a vehicle in the upper right hand area. I felt this worked well, because in the text box, I used the wording "try making your vehicle a smaller part of your life..." So, I felt the small picture of the vehicle sort of reiterated this message.

All in all, I really enjoyed putting this visual composition together. I had a difficult time coming up with my proposal, but once I got started I felt it came together quite well and turned out to be an effective way to convey my message.

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